The diet mindset!

 People are turning diets into an ever growing trend now in our current society. People are on low carb, no carb, and even fruit-only diets in hopes of transforming their body into the shape they want. A specific mindset goes along with this: “I want this diet in hopes of becoming thin and fit.” This way of thinking is a very powerful thing.  A human being will push themselves to the brink starvation with any diet to achieve the results that they want.  What standard should we have for this mindset?  What goals should we strive for in feeding our bodies?  This is a question I tell my clients on a regular basis: what are we doing today that will help us tomorrow?

When I am eating, I have the mindset that I am eating to feed my body the proper nutrients that is needs to stay strong and healthy.  The lower carb diets, especially, have the wrong mindset, in my opinion.  When training or working out, our bodies need those carbohydrates to fuel the body forward.  If we can instill the importance of a balanced diet in people, it will change their mindset to one of keeping their body healthy and fit without resorting to fad diets.  Every day, that is the mindset I try to instill in my athletes.  That is the correct diet mindset.

About nicholasdepietro

I am a Registered Dietician specializing in sports nutrition with some of the best athletes in the world. I currently work with the Colorado Rockies and the Oakland Athletics, helping to promote the best possible performance.
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